Happy December! It is crazy how fast this year is going by. This week I was busy working on finishing my holiday cards, catching up with my other classes, and getting ready for Winter Formal!

For my senior mastery, I made last minute adjustments to the submission contest posters. Then I printed them out and hung them up around the school. Mr. Flip and I also discussed possible sponsorships and how to recruit donors. I think my dad’s resort is willing to give us some money to work with. Our contest ends the day before Christmas break starts, so for the next twelve (or so?) days our biggest concern is encouraging people to submit. I really hope a good amount of people do because that way it will be a fair contest with a decent selection to chose from.

Thanksgiving break was much needed, and way too short. I got used to sleeping in (and all day) just in time for Monday to creep back up on me. It was nice to have a little break from school and stress in order to spend time with family. And eating.

I think I am the only person to ever say this, but I miss doing thumbnail sketches. Maybe it is because I enjoy sketching and planning, but having an idea of what I am doing before I start on the computer always made things a lot easier for me. I quickly sketched out some designs for cards last week, and started them when we got back. I tried to make a micrography design for one card, but it didn’t turn out well. I ended up just doing a normal bell with a jingle quote, and then making a jeep design for my mom. I made the jeep the same color as hers, and when I showed her she was so happy. I think she is going to order some cards or might just have me print it out to frame. I will attach screenshots of both cards below.

I wrote a few cards to send to the military this holiday season. Although I kept my messages generic, I hope they know the amount of gratitude I feel. I could never imagine being away from family and friends for so long, and especially over the holidays. Christmas is my favorite time of the year, and to think about those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for us makes the giving season feel so much greater.

This week I learned (more like was reminded) that this is my last year of high school, and I need to make sure that I am taking my school work seriously, as well as having a good time. Since I have early release, I get to go home early. Whenever I get home, I always say I am going to take a little break to relax, then start my homework/studying, which I never get around to doing! THis week I realized that I need to be more organized and on top of things to prepare for finals and to remain a focused student.

I am excited to have time back in D.C. these few days before break to focus on my mastery. I need to call the company I want to internship with, or find a new option. Wish me luck!